San Diego Financial Literacy Center

News and Events

SWYM Financial Opportunity Clinics back for 2021. Open to the Public! Learn more on our clinics page.

With our steady stream of fresh content the learning can start at any time! Are you looking to improve your financial knowledge? It’s easy and it’s more fun than you think. Best part you can start now!


Talk Wealth To Me Podcast 


Our Director of Community Outreach was invited to the join the morning news crew to go over some tips for getting back on budget after holiday spending.

SDFLC board of advisers and head Certified Financial Planner volunteer Paul Lim on NPR radio. 

Financial Planner volunteer Laurie Itkin mentions us on her CBS 8 segment  

PUBLIC RELATIONS Contact 858-810-7007 TELEVISION   Do you have a television segment on personal finances that you need an expert opinion on? Contact us today!

Special Events

» Boost For Our Heroes Golf The golf tournament occurs annually with all funds generated being reinvested back into the Boost For Our Heroes program in support of our military men and women. Attendees will have a chance to network with business leaders from across San Diego while also engaging with enlisted and veteran members of our military. All of the funds raised by the golf tournament are directly re-invested in to our Boost For Our Heroes program. The golf tournament is critical in allowing us to continue to provide free financial education to our large military population here in San Diego. The golf tournament also allows us to continue to provide our quarterly Boost For Our Heroes $3000 awardWe had a great time at this year’s event mark your calendar for next year!

» Quarterly Luncheon (Postponed until further notice due to COVID 19 and physical distancing guidelines) Each quarter, the SDFLC hosts an educational luncheon in conjunction with one of our featured partners. At this luncheon, attendees will have the opportunity to network with community and business leaders while also garnering some important financial literacy information. The quarterly recipient of our stipend will be recognized at this event as well. Each Quarterly Education Luncheon is open to the public and free to attend. The San Diego Financial Literacy Center work with its partners and the Board of Advisors to identify and recruit keynote speakers to offer a complimentary session on a “hot topic” in the financial world. Events are one hour and fifteen minutes in duration and include an opportunity to network and enjoy lunch before the presentations. At the conclusion, a brief Q & A is followed by the quarterly Boost For Our Heroes award. For more information or to offer up a “hot topic,” please contact us at